Wednesday 12 September 2012

4 reasons to use a thrifty green cleaning solution

When I moved to my new place 3 months ago, I decided I didn't want to use chemical cleaners in my kitchen. I hate the smell of them. Really strong cloying smells give me a headache, and they can't be good for the airways. I mean all-purpose cleaners from the supermarket, Flash and all those. Furniture polish is particularly bad. ugh. 

So I made my own, with some very basic ingredients. Here's why:

1. It does a better job of cleaning my surfaces than any chemical based cleaner I've tried.

2. If it gets into food preparation (i.e. because it's on the surface), it is perfectly safe. No poisoning or such things going on. 

3. It's cheaper to make than any of the store-bought cleaners.

4. It's super easy!

Here's how:

You will need:

1. An empty spray bottle (if you don't have one I think they'd be pretty cheap to buy from a pound shop. And you can use it again).

2. A bottle of white vinegar (from 49p in Tesco). The brown stuff might stain things!

3. A bottle of concentrated lemon juice. (40p up I reckon)

4. Tap water

5. (optional) Your favourite essential oil - lavender and tea tree are antibacterial so they would be good choices.

These ingredients will make approx 2.5L of cleaning solution, all for under 1 pound (2 if you need to buy the bottle). NICE!!

Here's how:

1. Take your empty spray bottle and fill it about a 5th of the way up with white vinegar. The bottle in the pic is 750ml - go to the white line. No need to be exact here (I'm guessing 100-150ml vinegar)

2. Then add probably about 3-4 tbsp of lemon juice. I never measure it, I just glug some in. 

3. Fill up to the top with water

4. Add about 10 drops of essential oil if you want (I don't).

5. Close the bottle and shake it up!

If you don't like the smell of vinegar, add more lemon juice, or more essential oil to satisfy your nose. Personally, I don't mind the smell, and it dissipates pretty quickly. 

The benefits:

  • It's green and won't harm the environment
  • It's super cheap and easy to make
  • It cuts grease better than any product I know (even the ones that claim to on the bottle). For super-duper greasy stuff (like cooker hoods) use a solution of hot water and soda crystals - do wear gloves though as it can irritate sensitive skin. Then you'll discover the real colour of your appliances! :) 

That's it!  SHAKE IT UP  and clean away!!

If you'd like some more green cleaning tips, post a comment! Also, Slow Your Home has some pretty good green cleaning advice! 


  1. Thanks for posting this recipe - I've always wanted to make my own cleaners but never get around to it. Your right, the smell of polish is horrid.

    1. Glad I could help! Get in touch if you need more recipes. I'm all for green cleaning these days! :)

  2. Linda, thanks for the recipe! I also wanted to learn how to make a green cleaning solution :)
    I just wanted to add that I've been having some trouble while visiting your blog. It takes some time to load, and frequently the page will somehow just block. It’s as if the blog is too ‘heavy’.
    I don’t know if I'm the only one having this problem, but I just wanted to let you know.

    1. Great!

      Erm, that's odd. Which browser are you using? I know people have trouble with Internet Explorer. I'm wondering if there are also some display issues with it, my partner viewed it on Firefox and there were massive long gaps between the text lines and photos, blank spaces. But not when I view it in Chrome, where I write it. I'm going to investigate. Thanks for letting me know! appreciate it!

    2. Yes, it's Internet Explorer! Perhaps I should change my browser (I've been previously advised to do so :P).

    3. Hi again. Yes, I've tried loading my blog in IE, and it's not happy. Firefox or Chrome work best for blogs it seems, and other bloggers say the same.

      I've improved the loading time of my blog a little bit anyway, so hopefully there won't be more problems.

      Thanks for reading!

  3. Thanks for posting this! Since moving to Sicily and really taking on the role of house cleaner, I've fallen in love with vinegar and the amazing things it does naturally to my home. For instance, the water is so full of minerals in Sicily that it leaves marks on my floor, but with a splash of vinegar in the water there are no water marks at all! I love this easy, breezy natural cleaning solution and can't wait to put it to use. Thanks!

    1. I'm so glad it was helpful! and welcome to my blog! thanks for reading.
      natural cleaning is the way forward. white vinegar is good for so many things. Also works as a fabric softener I'm told!


  4. Thank you for this tip. I've never made my own before. Following with GFC. will you follow back.
    Patricia from

    1. Hey Patricia! Thanks for visiting!

      Homemade cleaner is great, and so cheap!

      Off to visit your blog now :)


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