Monday 17 September 2012

September challenge - halfway!

This post is part of my September challenge. I am organising/decluttering one small area of my home each day for the month of September. 

I've been doing my daily decluttering challenges, and it's working well! Sometimes I do two if I'm feeling impatient or bored, or my challenge for the day is too easy.

I wanted to update you on progress, because my flat is getting way too full of the stuff that I'm getting rid of, I'm running out of space for it! 

The original post is here. But let's pull the list over and cross out all the ones that are done! The ones in blue link to posts about those areas.

1. Bathroom shelf (we keep toothbrushes, mouthwash, floss etc. on here)
2. Bathroom cabinet (extra shampoos, shower gels, lotions)
3. Cupboard under the kitchen sink
4. Food cupboard (we only have 1 to store all dry goods/groceries)
5. Cereal and tea shelf
6. Cutlery drawer
7. Kitchen counter (main counter)
8. Kitchen counter by window (lots of random things end up here)
9. Beauty products (lotions, medications, hair products etc.)
10. Floor of the wardrobe
11. On top of the wardrobe
12. Pyjamas
13. Sides of the wardrobe (can you tell things are crammed into every crevice in my flat??)
14. Suitcase full of clothes (that I boxed up when I started Project 333)
15. Crate of clothes (also boxed up due to Project 333)
16. Linen cupboard (also where we keep lounge wear, hoodies etc.)

17. Bedside table
18. Winter clothes box
19. Hallway - small storage cubbies
20. Hallway - Top 3 large shelves
21. Hallway - Bottom 3 large shelves

22. Books in the living room
23. Paperwork
24. Dropzone (where we dump our stuff when we come in the house)
25. Sewing box
26. Sentimental/keepsakes box (yikes! I'm most scared of this one)
27. Junk corner (random things accumulate here)
28. Junk bag in the study (leftover from previous organising)
29. Craft shelves in the study
30. Box of DVD's and books

That leaves 12 areas for the next 12 days to tackle, and then my flat should be looking a whole lot less cluttered! Can't wait! 

Next I will show you the pile of stuff that is currently on it's way out of the flat.

Yep. I'm still in shock. That HAS to be a car load. One less car load that we'll have to move next time! (as long as I can stop it creeping back!). I also took a suitcase full of random stuff to the charity shop this morning!

That big pile includes:

2 laptops
3 big bags full of clothes/linens etc. one destined for the tip.
a whole lot of CD's
Lots of office supplies and stationery
Cleaning materials that I stopped using and swapped for my own home-made one
3-4 pairs of shoes. My clothes really belong in another post!
some books
and some stuff from the kitchen we don't need. 

I will feel so much lighter once all of this is gone. There might be more to come in the next 12 days, because the challenge isn't finished yet! 

I'm already thinking up the next challenge for October :D

I have to say I think challenges like this are great, because I actually get things done. I spent ages and ages just thinking and writing plans about it. 

Have you been stuck in the planning stages with a project? Maybe now is the time to set yourself a challenge for the next month!



  1. Keep up the good work! Good luck!

    Stopping by from Thee Networking Blog Hop! Love for you to stop by Naptime Review and return the follow. Hosting Mom's Monday Mingle now. You are welcome to join the link up. So far we have over 200 Mom blogs. Great place to network. Hope to see you there!

    julie @ Naptime Review

    1. Hey Julie,

      Thanks for visiting! And thanks for the follow. will hop over and check you out. Not a mum yet, but can I come anyway? hehe.


  2. Good work! My challenge for the coming months is to make as many Christmas presents as possible to save money. And run more and eat less cake. Hmm. Cleaning out cupboards sounds more appealing!

    1. Thanks! That's a great idea, I prefer making presents too.

      hehe you have quite a lot of challenges! one is enough to begin with! :)

  3. What a great idea! It's amazing how much stuff we can accumulate, isn't it?
    I'm visiting from Thee Blog Hop and am following! Hope you stop and visit:)

    1. Hello and thanks for visiting!

      Yeah, stuff just builds up over time. Trying to banish the clutter completely now, and not let it creep back.

      Thanks for the follow and will stop by your blog.

  4. I love the idea of decluttering one day at a time - it's less daunting that way. I'm going to try it next month...

    1. Hi Emma, thanks for visiting!

      It definitely works. It means you can focus on one distinct area at a time, and not worry about everything else. It get's the job done slowly but at the same time sustainable for a longer period of time. Let me know how it goes!

  5. Good job Linda! You're progressing really fast :)
    It will feel great when you finally see your home completely decluttered!

    1. Thanks Mopsa! Today we have to try and take some of out to donate. it's way too much to have in the living room!

      I can't wait for everything to be organised! :)

  6. What a project! I'm a new follower from Thee Networking Blog Hop, and I'd love a follow back at when you get the chance! :)

    1. Hey Cassie,

      Thanks for visiting and thanks so much for the follow! Will hop over and visit!



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