Saturday 1 September 2012

Catching up!

Hello again! 

I've had a wonderful couple of weeks. Embracing the opportunity for some time off. I don't have a job yet, but I mean time off from the job applications, normal routines, normal daily life. It's been refreshing to say the least.  

When I last posted it was four days before my birthday. Chris had told me that we were going away somewhere at the weekend for a birthday treat. I'd find out where when we got there - I was so excited! It's been a while since we've been away, just us.  

Bring on the photos! I'm getting so much better at having my camera with me, and better still, using it! 

On the road... to somewhere

I wonder where we're going? 127 miles left, M5 south.  hmmm. 

When we passed Devon, and got into Cornwall, my guess at first was Bude, but then we passed a turn off for that. Hmm. At another sign, I figured it out.....


Yay!! I hadn't been there in a long time, so I was excited to see new additions and learn about the plants again. 

We saw some stunning flowers...

Most of the above are dahlias, who knew that they grow so many types? 

I found some poems. Poetry books kind of intimidate me, because I don't know where to start, having never read a poetry book. But I love finding individual poems in books, or out and about, like here. 

My favourite from the ones I found:

Giving the horse a smooch! Amazing wood sculpture!

We strolled around the Mediterranean biome - I felt like I was abroad...

..Found some pink furry things in the Rainforest biome..

..Tasted some delicious baobab smoothie. Yum!..

..And after all the walking around looking at plants, sampled some delicious local barbeque food. We thought it was a way better choice as my birthday meal than some overpriced curry in a noisy restaurant. It was delicious and so fresh!

WEEE man was a little jealous (he towered above us while we ate)

WEEE man is made from all the electrical stuff that a local company disposed of.. 

The day after we went to Fowey, and walked around. It rained a lot. Then when we were just about to leave, for the journey home, the sun came out! We got to have a lovely lunch in a park on the way back though. 

It was a lovely weekend, and I felt spoilt! A trip away was just what we needed.

Now I'm back to my normal routine, trying to find work, blogging and crafting. I've got a backlog of posts to write - coming soon! 

I hope you've all had a lovely summer! 


  1. Job hunting is a full time job in itself - good luck. I need to think about returning to work when my youngest starts school in a year's time, a thought which fills me with terror...

    We went to the Eden Project and Fowey five years ago and I loved it. Fowey is very pretty. It rained when we were there too! xx

    1. Thank you, hope to find something soon!

      I went to Eden 7 years ago and I think this time I appreciated it a lot more because I've become much more interested in sustainability and environmental issues. Fowey is lovely. It was a great weekend! x


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