Tuesday 4 September 2012

Organising under the kitchen sink

This post is part of my September challenge. I am organising/decluttering one small area of my home each day for the month of September. 

The cupboard under the kitchen sink is home to all our cleaning materials, tea towels, spare cloths, and some random bits and bobs. It was looking very messy and disorganised! We have a very small kitchen so space is at a premium. 

Here is the before photo:

Nothing was organised in this cupboard. Cleaning products everywhere, bin liners scattered in 3 different places. I will point them out, using little stars in the next photo:

See them? 

I tackled this cupboard by first removing everything (except the paint box from the landlord)

Then I sorted everything into categories:

By the way, the photo above shows pretty much the entire floor space of the kitchen. 

I decluttered and organised one category at a time. I tried to remove as much packaging as possible. For example, I took all of our jiffy cloths out of 4 separate packets and used a plastic wallet to store them all. I took all of our sponges, and put them in an empty box I found in the cupboard.

I used boxes and containers I found in the house. I didn't spend any money for this project at all, and encourage everyone to make do with what they have already. My sponge box is just a box from my scales, but it's the perfect size for the job. The items in the cupboard are not on display, so function over aesthetics this time :)

Then I put everything back in the cupboard:

1. Cloths in plastic wallet and spare sponges/scourers

2. Cleaning products (I use white vinegar, lemon juice and bicarbonate soda for most things)

3. Laundry products

4. Bin liners (compostable, recycling bags, and black bin bags). Now all my bin liners are in once place woooo!

5. Reusable shopping bags. (I have more hiding elsewhere, this might become their new home!)

I also created some labels with card, a felt tip, and some sticky film (like laminating but easier) 

Now for the most exciting bit. Before and after shots! 

Now I know where everything is, and it's easier to put stuff back in the right place.

When I complete these projects, I get the satisfaction of crossing them off my list.

Has anyone else been organising under their sink? 


  1. Hi Linda,

    I really enjoy how you explained and photographed your organising/decluttering project, step by step. I now feel a sudden urge to go declutter something in my home! ;P

    See you!

    1. That's great. I have found the steps that work well for me and am happy to share them!

      Good luck with the decluttering! :)


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